Welcome to Swansea Uni Women's Rugby.....
Have you ever wanted to get involved with rugby but not known where to start? Or perhaps you've watched the boys playing rugby and thought, I can do that?! Then the Women's rugby team was designed for you! It's a fun way to meet new friends, get fit and most of all have fun! It's never too late to try a new sport!
A little nervous?
A lot of our players started playing whilst at uni so we are understanding of people with limited or no experience; we pride ourselves on being one of the friendliest teams at Swansea!
Prospective players are welcome regardless of your sporting background, skill level; or experience!
So contact us on socials to come along to one of our sessions!
Played before?
We also welcome experienced players into our High Performance Group programme, who play in the Women's Premier South BUCS League.
HPG Squad
- The Shed (Singleton Campus) 6:15pm-7:15pm (gym session)
- Sketty Lane 7:30pm-8:30pm (pitch session)
- The Shed (Singleton Campus) 7:00am-8:00am (gym session)
- Sketty Lane 8:00am-9:00am (pitch session)
Development Squad
- Sketty Lane 9:00am- 10:00am (pitch session)
Wednesday (Home/Away)
We have weekly socials on Wind Street with our sponsors Peppermint, Popworld and Jack Murphys.
We also hold monthly sober socials which include: trampolining, movie nights in, bonfires on the beach and more!
Croeso i Rygbi Menywod Prifysgol Abertawe …..
A oes diddordeb gyda chi yn rygbi? Ond ddim yn gwybod ble i dori? Ydych chi wedi gwylio'r dynion yn chwarae ac yn meddwl gallwch chi wneud yr un peth? Rygbi Prifysgol Abertawe yw'r lle i ddechrau!
Mae rygbi i bawb. Mae'n lle da i gadw'n heini, gwneud ffrindiau oes a pwysicach byth cael hwyl!!
Bach yn nerfus?
Dechreuodd rhan fwyaf o'n chwaraewyr chwarae yn y Brifysgol. Rydym yn croesawu menywod sydd gyda neu ddim gyda phrofiad neu sgiliau yn chwarae rygbi, neu unrhyw gefndir o chwaraeon arall.
Dyna pam rydyn yn ymbalchio o fod yn un o glybiau fwyaf cyfeillgar yn y Brifysgol.
Cysylltwch â ni trwy ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol i ddod i un o’n sesiynau!
Os rydych chi wedi chwarae rygbi o'r blaen, mae gyda ni hefyd rhaglen i grwp sydd o berfformiad uchel (High Performance Group), sy'n chwarae yn y Prif Gynghrair Merched De BUCS (Women's Premier South BUCS League).
Sesiynau ymarferion:
Carfan Perfformiad Uchel (HPG):
Dydd Llun:
- Y Sied 6:15yh - 7:15yh (Gampfa)
- Sketty lane 7:30yh - 8:30yh (Cae)
Dydd Gwener:
- Y Sied (Campws Singleton) 7:00yb – 8:00yb (Gampfa)
Dydd Sadwrn:
- Sketty Lane 8:00yb – 9:00yb (Cae)
Carfan Datblygiad:
Dydd Sadwrn:
- Sketty Lane 9:00yb – 10:00yb (Cae)
- Dydd Mercher (Cartref / i ffwrdd)
Rydym yn cael sosial's wythnosol yn 'Wind Street', gyda'n noddwyr, Proud Mary's, Popworld a Jack Murphys.
Rydym hefyd yn cynnal sosial’s sobr bob mis sydd yn cynnwys: trampolinio, nosweithiau ffilm, coelcerthi ar y traeth, ac llawer mwy!!