This is a Dormant Student Group
Please contact the team to restart a group
By joining this society, you will be involved in helping hospitals and doctors treat multiple illnesses by providing blood needed for surgical operations and modern medicine advances.
The aim of the society is to encourage people to give blood and to make people aware of when and where appointments and walk in clincs will be, or even just to chat to nurses about the process. If you can't give blood or giving blood doesn't sound appealing to you, we are always in need of recruiters to help us find people who can give. Giving blood is easy and painless. You will be asked to lie down for 10 minutes while a nurse prepares a blood bag for you to donate. After that, you can go home knowing that your donation has saved up to 3 lives.
To get more of an idea of what the society entails or to talk to others that have donated, join our Facebook group -