If you would like to join, then please hit the membership button ...It's free!!
This society is a place to meet like-minded people and share ideas. We will also aim to have at least one gathering every month (cinema screenings, talks, games nights, beach cleans etc). We will also occasionally send out recommendations on things to read, watch or listen to.
But what is the Circular Economy?
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation defines the Circular Economy as:
"... a system where materials never become waste and nature is regenerated. In a circular economy, products and materials are kept in circulation through processes like maintenance, reuse, refurbishment, remanufacture, recycling, and composting. The circular economy tackles climate change and other global challenges, like biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution, by decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources."
You don't need to have any knowledge of the Circular Economy to join, we are all here to learn. But if you do, then that's great too!
We look forward to welcoming you soon!