We're a fun and safe space for all those who fall under the LGBTQ+ flag at Swansea Uni! Queer or ally come on down to any of our socials and get to know us :)
Want the most up-to-date information? Follow us on Instagram @swanseaunilgbtq with a group chat, ask to join! Or join our Discord Server.
Contact us on any of our socials if you are in need of support or have any questions or suggestions!
Alternatively, email us @ lgbtplus@swansea-societies.co.uk !
President - Vacant
Secretary - Vacant
Treasurer - Mike Social Media Secretary - Evilyn
Advocacy Officer - Vacant
Welfare Officer - Vacant
Social Secretary - Paul
We have some vacant positions on committee, nominate yourself!
23 Mar 2024
The Carrd on this QR contains our resources for: Crisis Lines, LGBT+ Lines, Miscellaneous Services, Travel, Trans Resources, Sexual Health and Guidance. URL: https://welfareresources.carrd.co/