Swansea University Skate Society
Welcome to the skate society!
We are open to anyone who has an interest in skating, be it skateboarding, longboarding or any other kind of skating. Even if you've never set foot on a board before we are here as a society to encourage and help newcomers to start skating in a non-pressurising environment.
Skate also has close ties to the DJ, surf and snowriders club, and sometimes will have joint events/socials together making for an extra wavey time. We have some chilled out socials, playing skate 3 and just generally relaxing - not even necessarily talking about baker 3 or whether polar big boys are actually worth the money. We are sponsored by prohibition bar on wind street who look after us and give us 241 deals on cocktails - making us the most money efficient club to go out on a Wednesday night with!
We often meet up down the new beach side skatepark, mumbles park, for a chilled out session in the evening as well as a beginners session at the local skatepark, exist, on Mondays, with an intermediate session following after. In the winter we have spent a lot of time in the Tesco indoor carpark, closer to bay campus, for curb side sessions, as well as good old Victoria park which used to be the only outdoor park before mumbles was built last year. Previously we have gone on evening trips to ramp world in Cardiff, as well as camp hill crest for a weekend. You can come along to these to practice, learn or just to be social and enjoy a day outdoors. On these days we will do our best to provide some boards for those who don't have their own but having your own will help to progress. We can offer support and advice to find the right setup for you if you're not sure what you need.
As well as this we will be organising trips to go out of Swansea itself to skateparks which are a bit further away to give members some variety in what they skate in their time in wales.
Benefits of Joining the Skate Society
Any questions please do not hesitate to shoot us an email or message us on social media. Happy skating!