Going to join a society? Make sure you make the right choice, make it Psychology!
We host regular socials, ranging from nights out and non-drinking socials in and around Swansea to trips in the local area & further afield!
We offer the opportunity for you to get the most of your uni experience by offering the chance to get to know your course mates and meet true friends while at uni. It is always important to have a good balance between work & pleasure, hence why we run the regular socials, as well as trips & days out in & around Swansea!
Uni is for making friends and having fun, as well as studying – get the right balance, the psychology balance.
Our Committee is made up of;
President – Tahseen Raisa Binte Benazir
Vice President - Lilly Phillips
Social Secretary – Becca Wright
Secretary - Maisie Tunstall
Treasurer - Faith Jones
Media & Merch - Neve Hinkley
Fundraising - Owen Morris
BPS Ambassador - Tom Scourfield
Like what you heard? Get your membership for only £3 & follow our instagram or email us for updates on upcoming events!
Esisiau ymuno â chymdeithas? Dewis yn doeth, ymaelodu a chymdeithas Seicoleg!
Rydym yn cynnal cymdeithasau rheolaidd, sydd yn amrywio o nosweithiau mas a chymdeithasau heb yfed, yn Abertawe ac o gwmpas, ac ymhellach i ffwrdd!
Bydd ymaelodi a chymdeithas yn cynnig y cyfle i chi fanteisio eich profiad prifysgol trwy dod i adnabod eich cyd-fyfyrwyr a chwrdd â ffrindiau tra'n uni. Mae'n bwysig cael cydbwysedd da rhwng gwaith a cael amser hwyl, a dyna pam yr ydym yn rhedeg y cymdeithasau rheolaidd, yn ogystal â theithiau a dyddiau yn Abertawe ac o amgylch!
Prifysgol yw'r lle i wneud ffrindiau a chael hwyl, yn ogystal ag astudio - cael y cydbwysedd cywir, y cydbwysedd seicoleg.
Hoffi beth glywsoch chi? Ymuno am £3 yn unig a hoffi ni ar Facebook, neu e-bostiwch ni am ddiweddariadau ar ddigwyddiadau sydd i ddod!