Welcome to Swansea Univeristy's Midwifery Society!
We at MidSoc aim to create relationships between all 3 cohorts of Midwifery and associate members. Throughout this coming academic year we plan to organise social events for our students to get to know eachother and create those bonds that will last us into our careers. We have a focus on wellbeing, supporting eachother through some of the tougher aspects and challenges that face us on this degree and working in maternity care. We want to enhance our learning opportunities by providing study days, skill workshops and access to events such as conferences. Fundraising events for midwifery-related charities and to support the society will be running throughout the year in line with our ethos of caring for all and being able to provide bigger and better events for our society members in the future!
What can you expect from your MidSoc membership?
For £7.50 for the entire year you can expect:
- Access to free social events
- Well being days (think yoga, sea dips and all the mindfulness goodness!)
- Study days with inspiring speakers to enhance your understanding of key midwifery topics
- Discounts on ticketed events
- Invitation to our Christmas Ball
- Opportunity to create friendships and support networks across all 3 years of the midwifery programme and with other maternity and healthcare students
- Access to our whatsapp community group to keep uptodate with all events and activities organised by MidSoc
How do I sign up?
For Midwifery students please select the standard midwifery membership on this page, log into your su account and checkout! All other courses (e.g. Certificate of maternity care) please select the midwifery associate option
Who are your 2024-2025 MidSoc committee?
President - Sophie Russell-Fensome (Year 3)
Co-President - Jennifer Trott (Year 3)
Secretary - Gina Jones (Year 2)
Treasurer - Kimmy Wills (Year 2)
Events co-ordinator - Kelsie Mcqueen-Davies (Year 2)
Wellbeing officer - Hannah Ravenscroft (Year 3)
Social Media Manager - Kellie Mills (Year 2)
Fundraising co-ordinator - Sophie Dodd (Year 2)
If you would like more information, to get involved or join our society please email midwifery@swansea-societies.co.uk.
We look forward to meeting you!!
Cymdeithas Fydwreigiaeth Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe
Mae ein cymdeithas Fydwreigiaeth I fyfyrwyr yn uno'r holl garfannau o bobl sy'n astudio Bydwreigiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Ein bwriad yw sefydly prethynas rhwng holl fyfyrwyr ac aelodau cyswllt er mwyn codi arian at elusennau sy'n ymwneud â bydwreigiaeth yn lleol, cynrychioli Prifysgol Abertawe ar fforymau dros Brydain Fawr a chynnal dyddiau astudio a digwyddiadau er lles uniogolion sy'n astudio ac yn gweithio fel Bydwreigiau yn ardal Abertawe. Mae'r gymdeithas yn rhedeg law yn llaw â'r cwrs er mwyn gwella ein profiad o ddysgu ac addysg. Ein bwriad yw cael cymdeithas sy'n hygyrch, yn cael ei redeg gan fyfyrwyr ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy'n cynnig cefnogaeth wrth I chi greu eich portffolio a chyfleoedd am ddatblygiad proffesiynnol.