Welcome to our page. We don’t want much - we just want to change the world.
SWSS is the student wing of Britain's largest revolutionary socialist organisation, the Socialist Workers Party. We are the socialist group on campus fighting against all forms of oppression and exploitation. We believe in a combination of marxist theory and political activism. We engage in political campaigning and work with like-minded societies to improve material benefits for the student body.
We provide a welcoming environment to discuss left-wing and anti-oppressive politics on campus. We aspire for all our members, especially those who may face discrimination, to be confident to debate and campaign for change in the wider student body and society at large.
In a new age of climate chaos, pandemics, recession and war we want to provide a fighting socialist alternative to capitalism. An alternative that gives solutions to the urgent crises we face. Another world is possible!
What we stand for - and what we do about it:
We get involved in numerous campaigns around these issues, both on campus and in the city, such as BLM marches, UCU solidarity and anti-racist actions on campus.
We hold regular meetings on wide-ranging issues. Previous meetings have included ‘A radical history of LGBT+ liberation’, ‘Capitalism and the policies of food’, ‘A Marxist introduction to class struggle’ and ‘Why does sexism run so deep?’. These are a great opportunity to learn about current issues and history as well as to discuss politics with other students. We also aim to hold regular cultural events and socials.
Like what you read or have any questions? Please contact us at any time through our Instagram page or email.
Insta: @swanseaswss
Email: swss@swansea-societies.co.uk
Facebook: @SwanseaSWSS