On the May 27th 2014 we passed the Welsh Language Charter Motion since then we have:
§ Rebranded the entire Union and where necessary outlying services and campaigns to ensure we’re entirely bi-lingual
§ Committed to redecorating the Union House building so all signage is bi-lingual
§ Introduced design processes that only allow bi-lingual materials to be produced
§ Increased the number of student staff translators and made efforts to recruit a lead student staff qualified translator.
§ Made progress towards translating the Unions constitution
§ Incorporated bi-lingualism into as many processes in the Union as possible.
§ Moving forward – meeting with the proposer of the motion to audit the remaining areas and put together an extended action plan.
On the October 9th 2014 we discussed the following items, here are some updates:
§ Bay Campus: Update on progress
v The Union has secured: a Union building, sports facilities in the form of a sports hall and gym, societies facilities in the form of practice rooms and access to university spaces, club and sports facilities for cash functions, room bookings and risk assessments, a nursery, workable transport routes with an addition route through brynmill and uplands as suggested by the Union and space for an additional advice service centre.
v The Union is working towards: union run commercial services, providing job opportunities for students, further travel arrangements, welfare arrangements and our dual campus operations plan.
§ Participation in the General Election: An update on this campaign
v The Union is working to get information to all the students that opted into the GE campaign through the enrollment process
v The Union is working towards arranging a general election question time and also hopes to host a polling station on campus to encourage as many students to vote as possible
§ New Union Building: Update on progress
v The Union will be launching a campaign to secure a new union building on the singleton campus in order for the Union to have a more central, fit for purpose building and location allowing us to be right at the heart of the campus.
§ Freshers: Section for feedback following the screening of the first show
v Questions regarding the ITV Freshers Programme can be asked during officers questions or referred to staff.
Ar Fai’r 27ain pasiom ni Siarter yr Iaith Gymraeg ac ers hynny rydym wedi:
Ail-frandio’r Undeb yn ei chyfanrwydd a, lle yr oedd angen, gwasanaethau ac ymgyrchoedd allanol er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn gwbl ddwyieithog.
§ Ymrwymo i ailaddurno adeilad Ty’r Undeb fel bod yr holl arwyddion yn ddwyieithog.
§ Cyflwyno proses ddylunio sy’n golygu mai dim ond deunydd dwyieithog sy’n cael ei gynhyrchu
§ Cynyddu’r nifer o staff cyfieithu sy’n fyfyrwyr ac wedi gwneud ymdrech i recriwtio prif gyfieithydd cymwys o fyfyriwr.
§ Gwneud cynnydd tuag at y nod o gyfieithu cyfansoddiad yr Undeb
§ Cynnwys dwyieithrwydd yng nghymaint o brosesau’r Undeb ac sydd yn bosibl.
§ Symud ymlaen - cwrdd â chynigydd cynnig i archwilio'r ardaloedd sydd ar ôl a llunio cynllun gweithredu estynedig.
Ar y 9fed o Hydref 2014, trafodom ni'r materion canlynol, a dyma’r diweddaraf: Campws y Bae: Y diweddaraf ar y cynnydd Bay Campus: Update on progress
v Mae’r Undeb wedi sicrhau: adeilad Undeb, cyfleusterau chwaraeon ar ffurf neuadd chwaraeon a champfa, cyfleusterau cymdeithasau ar ffurf ystafelloedd ymarfer a mynediad I leoedd yn y Brifysgol, cyfleusterau clwb a chwaraeon ar gyfer swyddogaethau arian, hurio ystafelloedd ac asesiadau risg, meithrinfa, llwybr trafnidiaeth rhesymol gyda llwybr ychwanegol drwy Brynmill ac Uplands fel yr awgrymwyd gan yr Undeb, a lle am ganolfan gwasanaethau cynghori ychwanegol.
Mae’r Undeb yn gweithio tuag at:
Wasanaethau masnachol sy’n cael eu rhedeg gan yr Undeb sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd gwaith i fyfyrwyr, trefniadau trafnidiaeth pellach, trefniadau lles a’n cynllun gweithredu campws deuol.
v Cymryd rhan yn yr Etholiad Cyffredinol: y diweddaraf am yr ymgyrch
v Mae’r Undeb yn gweithio i gael gwybodaeth i’r holl fyfyrwyr a ddewisodd fod yn rhan o’r ymgyrch GE drwy’r broses gofrestru
§ Mae’r Undeb yn gweithio tuag at drefnu amser cwestiynau ar gyfer yr Etholiad Cyffredinol ac yn gobeithio hefyd cael gorsaf bleidleisio ar y campws er mwyn annog y nifer mwyaf posibl o fyfyrwyr i bleidleisio
§ Adeilad Newydd yr Undeb: y diweddaraf ar y cynnydd New Union Building: Update on progress
v Mae’r Undeb am lansio ymgyrch I sicrhau adeilad Undeb newydd ar gampws Singleton er mwyn i’r Undeb gael adeilad mwy canolog ac addas fydd yn ein galluogi i fod yng nghanol bywyd y campws
v Freshers: Adborth yn dilyn darllediad y bennod gyntaf
v Gall cwestiynau ynghylch rhaglen Freshers ITV gael eu gofyn yn ystod cwestiynau'r swyddogion neu gael eu cyfeirio at staff.