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What is Speak Week?

Speak Week is an annual campaign run by the Students’ Union, where we give all students the opportunity to provide feedback on the changes that they want to see at Swansea University.
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Important Infomation

This is your chance to make your voice heard on the issues that really matter to you by answering our questions. We have seperated our topic areas into 4 sections: Cost Of Living, Access To Learning, Campus Experience and SUSU Retail and Hospitality Experience. This should take no more than 10 minutes to complete in full! 

Our Sabbatical Officers will be joined by student volunteers who will be reaching out to as many students as possible, encouraging meaningful discussion, and asking for recommendations for change. The feedback we receive every year is reviewed, analysed, and used to inform future campaigns and discussions with senior staff in the university and Students' Union. 

When is speak week?

We will be campaigning for your feedback between Wednesday 7th - Wednesday 14th December (Although We will keep collect your feedback right the way through the winter break!).

What happends to your feedback?

Once completed your feedback will be collated and interpreted into a report which will be seen at the highest level of the university. This report will also be made visible on the Student union website adn will act as a tsrong part of our "you said, we did" campaign, bringing change based off your feedback! You can see the most recent survey report below for reference. 

Here are some other ways to have your voice heard!

  • Talk to your Student Reps about any changes you want to see in your School / Faculty!
  • Attend the next student forum and submit a "motion for change" (February 7th)!
  • Contact your Full-Time and Part Time Officer to discuss a campaign idea!
  • Run in our elections for a student leadership role within the Students' Union!
From Your Democracy Co-Ordinator

Joshua Harrigan

Democracy is at the heart of the student movement! 

Feedback is a key tool to objectievly motivate and justify change within the higher structures at the University! We want to ensure the provisons at your University and Union are appropriate for the body of student thats are currently here with us now!

Your voice is the most powerful tool you have! 



There are currently no FAQ's for this campaign