Hello! My name is Philip Hopkins, and I am a final year accounting and finance student. During my time at Swansea University I have been a two-year committee member/captained the American football team. I’ve also played rugby and even dabbled in scoring screamers in intramural football. At every level of play, sport in Swansea is a pleasure to be a part of and is vital to students’ mental and physical health. I am running for the position of Sports Officer in this year’s Student Union election as I would like to play an active part in the ongoing improvements to our university. I see this position as an outstanding opportunity to give back to a community that has given me so much.
Implement clearly structured mental health support systems in club committees to help support student athletes on a personal level. Achieved through designated committee roles in all clubs and societies.
Reduce barriers of entry to sport by improving current intramural league structures and introduce new intramural sporting leagues. This allow more of the student body to be involved in sports while at university.
Make larger university sporting events, like varsity, more inclusive for the student body and other societies outside of sport.
Make facilities more available for current student athletes and existing teams so that at all levels of play students’ and teams should be able maximise potential without being limited by facility access.
Continuing to improve sport facilities available on both Bay and Singleton campus and, in the short term, make current facilities as multi-use as possible to accommodate as many sports and activities as possible.
Aiming for 75% of the student body being active in Sport Swansea provided activities and sports.
You can vote online for Officers and Referendums at www.swansea-union.co.uk/elections anytime between 11am on Monday 7th March – 1pm on Thursday 10th March 2022.
Datganiad Personol:
Helo! Fy enw i yw Philip Hopkins, ac rwy'n fyfyriwr cyfrifeg a chyllid yn fy mlwyddyn olaf. Yn ystod fy amser ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe rydw i wedi bod yn aelod pwyllgor/capten tîm pêl-droed Americanaidd am ddwy flynedd. Rydw i hefyd wedi chwarae rygbi a hyd yn oed sgorio goliau gwych mewn pêl-droed mewnfurol. Ar bob lefel o chwarae, mae chwaraeon yn Abertawe yn bleser bod yn rhan ohono ac yn hanfodol i iechyd meddwl a chorfforol myfyrwyr. Rwy’n ymgeiso am rôl y Swyddog Chwaraeon yn etholiad Undeb y Myfyrwyr eleni gan yr hoffwn chwarae rhan weithredol yn y gwelliannau parhaus i’n Prifysgol. Rwy’n gweld y sefyllfa hon fel cyfle rhagorol i roi yn ôl i gymuned sydd wedi rhoi cymaint i mi.
Gweithredu systemau cymorth iechyd meddwl sydd wedi'u strwythuro'n glir ym mhwyllgorau'r clwb i helpu i gefnogi athletwyr dan hyfforddiant ar lefel bersonol. Wedi'i gyflawni trwy rolau pwyllgor dynodedig ym mhob clwb a chymdeithas.
Lleihau rhwystrau rhag mynediad i chwaraeon trwy wella strwythurau cynghrair mewnfurol presennol a chyflwyno cynghreiriau chwaraeon mewnfurol newydd. Mae hyn yn galluogi mwy o fyfyrwyr i gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon tra yn y Brifysgol.
Trefnu digwyddiadau chwaraeon prifysgol mwy, fel Varsity, yn fwy cynhwysol ar gyfer myfyrwyr a chymdeithasau eraill y tu allan i chwaraeon.
Sicrhau bod mwy o gyfleusterau ar gael i fyfyrwyr sy’n athletwyr a thimau presennol fel eu bod ar bob lefel o chwarae. Dylai myfyrwyr a thimau allu gwneud y mwyaf o botensial heb gael eu cyfyngu gan fynediad i gyfleusterau.
Parhau i wella’r cyfleusterau chwaraeon sydd ar gael ar gampws y Bae a Champws Singleton ac, yn y tymor byr, gwneud y cyfleusterau presennol mor amlddefnydd â phosibl ar gyfer cymaint o chwaraeon a gweithgareddau â phosibl.
Anelu at sicrhau bod 75% o fyfyrwyr yn rhan o weithgareddau a chwaraeon Chwaraeon Abertawe.
Gellir pleidleisio dros Swyddogion a Refferenda ar www.swansea-union.co.uk/elections unrhyw bryd rhwng 11am ar Ddydd Llun 7fed Mawrth – 1pm ar Ddydd Iau 10fed Mawrth 2022.