Single Transferable Voting (STV)
STV if a system of preferential voting designed to minimize "wasted" votes and provide proportional representation.
In STV you select candidates in order of preference. If you become indifferent to the remaining candidates, you can leave the remaining candidates unordered.
- 1st Preference - Abby
- 2nd Preference - Stefan
- 3rd Preference - Robin
...So on and so forth
We count up everyone's first preferences and eliminate the candidate with the lowest number of votes.
- Stefan - 40
- Robin - 30
- Abby - 25
Here we eliminate Abby and consider the second preferences of voters who chose Abby as their first preference. Our new count looks like this
Robin now has over 50% of the votes and is elected as the winner. With a greater number of candidates, this process take more stages, but follows the same principal of eliminating the candidate with the least votes and redistributing votes based on voter preferences.
Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N)
If at any point in ordering your preferred candidates you believe that the remaining candidates are not suitable for the post you can choose Re-Open Nominations, or R.O.N.
R.O.N. is on every ballot in this election.