Event List

Craft DIY and Art Workshops Events

View this month's events

Sat 22nd February

11am - 7pm
Seminar Room 1 Fulton House
We will make items of our choice to put in a time capsule, which we will then dig up in two years. Participation will cost £5

Wed 26th February

St David's day sustainable decorations
1pm - 3pm
PC lab - Grove building
To celebrate St David's day, aligning with green/sustainable practises, we are encouraging you to join us in the making of decorations for the PC lab. You will need to bring your own materials, with emphasis on reusing, e.g. left over cardboard.

Fri 28th February

Jewlery Making Event
7pm - 10pm
Crown Place

Tue 15th April

GO! Social: World Art Day
3pm - 5pm
Bay Campus - The Haven, Swansea
Come along and join us for World Art Day
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