Monday 27 November 2023


Bay and Singleton Campus


Welcome to the Christian Union's Mini Events Week! We will be discussing some BIG questions regarding the Christian faith and the good news of who Jesus Christ really is and what this means for us.

If you're a Christian, non-christian, devout Atheist, have another faith of your own, or if you are simply searching for Something More...we would LOVE to see you at our talks on Bay and Singleton Campus!


Monday 27th November, 19:00pm, Bay Campus, School of Management 112, “Living in Fear: How can anyone love a God of judgement?”

Tuesday 28th November, 12:00pm, Bay Campus, School of Management 110, “Minor Mess-ups and Sinister Scandals: Does everyone deserve a second chance?”  (including a free lunch!)

Wednesday 29th November, 12:00pm, Singleton Campus, Lecture Room C, “An Awkward History: Can Christianity seriously claim to be a force for good?” (including a free lunch!)

Thursday 30th November, 19:00pm, Singleton Campus, Lecture Room C, “After Life: Is heaven just a nice idea?”

Monday 27 November 2023

7pm - 9pm

Bay and Singleton Campus

  • Academic and Employability
  • Faith and Culture
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Liberation