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Why Should I Get ACTIVE?

At Swansea University, we care about the health and wellbeing of our community, so we're developing Get ACTIVE, a physical activity programme to help our students and staff get more active, have fun and meet new people. Through Get ACTIVE, we aim to:

  • Increase the number of students and staff who are sufficiently active*
  • Increase the number of accessible and inclusive physical activity and sporting opportunities available to students and staff
  • Increae the workforce to support the growth, development and delivery of Get ACTIVE activities

*Doing 150 minutes or more a week of moderate physical activity.

Take Your First Step

Register for Free!

Get ACTIVE offers a comprehensive and inclusive programme of activities and events for students and staff at both Singleton Park and Bay Campus. As well as a core timetable of physical activity on campus, the programme also offers tasters, pop ups, challenges and coached sessions, covering a wide range of activities from walking and jogging to volleyball, boules or badminton, as well as opportunities to get offsite and make the most of the Welsh outdoors.

Free Registration 

You'll need to register to Get ACTIVE before you can book a session. You'll only need to register once! Registration is completely Free of Charge for Swansea University students and staff, and the online registration form will take just a few minutes to complete:

For Staff Registration

If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to create a staff/guest account with the Students’ Union before you can register for Get ACTIVE – you should use your email address. Once you’ve created an account with the Students Union, navigate back to this page:, click the registration button and the registration form will be sent to your basket (you may need to refresh your page). Checkout, complete the online registration form then browse our events and book.

  • Student Registration£0.00 Log In
  • Staff Registration£0.00 Log In
Get ACTIVE: Our Core Physical Activity Timetable

Get ACTIVE offers a weekly timetable of fun and affordable activity sessions to get you moving more on campus. The timetable will vary depending on demand and seasons and will include activities to get you involved and help you meet new people.

The Get ACTIVE programme is aimed at students and staff and will include a variety of student and staff only activities, or mixed group sessions. Sessions may be delivered by one of the Get ACTIVE team, or might be facilitated by an external coach or activity provider.  

Our Core Timetable is available as follows for 2024-25:

  • 30 October - 13 December 2024
  • 13 January -  11 April 2025
  • 28 April -  31 July 2025 

Please Note:

  • Activities still take place over reading weeks.
  • The Get ACTIVE timetable runs year round, except for across 2/3 weeks over the Christmas and Easter periods.
  • Activities do not take place on bank holidays.
  • Dates are subject to change and may vary for staff activities.

Session Prices

Most of our sessions on campus are FREE (off campus activities are likely to have a cost, but we keep this as low as we can). Head down to the bottom of the page to find out about regsitering to Get ACTIVE free of charge, and booking your Get ACTIVE session.

Please note: activities run by external coaches and providers will have a higher cost. However, those offered to students will have a discounted student rate.

Get INVOLVED: Pop ups, Tasters and Challenges to wet your appetite and get you wanting more

Pop Ups and Tasters

Through our Get ACTIVE programme of pop ups and tasters, you get the chance to have a go at something new. We'll be running pop ups and tasters on campus each week, covering a range of fun activities including: 

  • Volleyball
  • Short tennis
  • Badminton
  • Rounders
  • Kwik Cricket
  • Self-defence
  • Street golf
  • Molkky
  • New age curling
  • Boules
  • Frisbee
  • Mountain boarding

Head over to the Students' Union webpages to view the full programme. You don't need to book on to a pop-up session, just turn up and Get INVOLVED.

Nothing there to tempt you? Tell us what would help you to get active and what activities you'd like us to deliver by using our Get ACTIVE - Have Your Say form.

Activity Challenges

There’s nothing like setting goals and joining in a challenge to help you get moving more.

Throughout the year, we'll be scheduling monthly challenges for you to get involved in - you can even compete against your friends and colleagues. Whether it's a plank a day, Freshers bucket list or 10,000 steps, we'll be inviting you to get involved in regular challenges, aimed at getting you moving and coming back for more. 

We also support the annual BRIT Challenge each year between January and March, which aims to increase physical activity and raise awareness of young people's mental health. Keep an eye on our webpages for more info coming soon and get involved in our BRIT challenges and raise money for mental health and wellbeing.

Events & Festivals

Through Get ACTIVE, we'll be running regular events on campus, from Freshers' Week Fun to Sports Carnivals, Sports Days, Beach Festivals and more. Keep an eye on our webpages and follow us on social media (links below) to keep up to date with What's On.

Get COACHED: Introductory Sessions Teaching the Basics Needed to Get You Started

Through Get ACTIVE, we will offer you the chance to learn new skills or develop existing ones through a programme of coached sessions:

  • 4-8 weekly sessions at the same time each week.
  • Suitable for a diverse range of ability levels and beginner friendly.
  • Led by qualified and experienced coaches.
  • A range of inclusive courses for everyone, including:
    • Couch to 5K
    • Tennis
    • Table tennis
    • Intro to free weights / Lifting for beginners
    • Female self-defence
    • Yoga
    • Climbing (off campus) 

Session Prices

Session prices will vary depending on type and length of coaching programme. For more information and to book your place head over to the Students' Union website.

* Coached sessions will be available from January 2023.

Get OUTDOORS: A Packed Programme of Outdoor Activity

Being active outdoors is great for your mind, body and soul. Our Get ACTIVE programme aims to capitalise on our incredible outdoor environment, both on campus and off.

Working with our sports clubs and local outdoor activity providers, Get ACTIVE will offer a range of outdoor sessions throughout the year including:

  • Walk and talks
  • Social running groups 
  • Monthly cycle rides
  • Open water swimming
  • Kayak/canoe/rowing
  • Surfing/windsurfing/stand-up paddleboarding
  • Climbing/bouldering
  • Mountain biking
  • Mountain boarding
  • Coasteering/gorge walking
  • Hill-walking
  • Orienteering
  • Cycle rides
  • Fitness trails


We'll also be scheduling a series of trips throughout the year to destinations such as Gower, Brecon Beacons, Afan Forest and more, offering activities such as surfing and paddleboarding, hill-walking, mountain biking, dry-slope skiing, climbing, gorge walking and more...

Get LEADING: Join our Team of Student Activators

We are looking to recruit a team of enthusiastic, committed and motivated Get ACTIVE Activators who are able to effectively engage students, motivate them to be more active and create opportunities to help them sustain their activity levels.

Activator roles may be generic or sport/activity specific e.g. multi-sports, running, football, walking, badminton.  As the Get ACTIVE programme grows, we will be widening our activity offers.  Activators will be expected to deliver between 2-4 hours of activity per week (mainly term-time) and will be running weekly timetabled activity, helping to recruit new participants through promoting the Get ACTIVE sessions and helping deliver promotional events.

To join our team of Activators you must be:

  • A Swansea University student (undergradute or postgraduate).
  • Have an interest in active lifestyles and be enthusiastic about developing and promoting sport and physical activity to other students.
  • Have excellent communication skills, good interpersonal and time management skills, with the ability to work as part of a team, as well as individually.
  • You do not need to be part of a sports club – we want students who enjoy and are committed to being active and want to help others to be more active more often.

Why get involved:

  • Gain valuable hands-on experience and skills you can reference when applying for jobs.
  • Show prospective employers you have qualities such as reliability, responsibility and commitment.
  • Improve yourself and make a difference to people’s lives by supporting the Get ACTIVE team in delivering sport/activities that meet the needs of students.
  • Paid opportunity.

For further information please contact Shana Thomas, Engage Programme Manager, or 07855 424857, or complete our expression of interest form

Get IN TOUCH: Contact Us

Got questions about the programme that you can't find the answer to online?

Contact the Get ACTIVE team:

Get Active Terms and Conditions

General Terms

  • In order to become a Get Active member, you must register via the Get ACTIVE page.
  • Members are entitled to attend sessions at either Singleton or Bay campuses and at the connected external venues.
  • Members must be a current staff or student of Swansea University.
  • All members must inform the Get ACTIVE Coordinator should they have any medical conditions that could affect their ability to safely take part in the programme.
  • Appropriate clothing must be worn for any activity undertaken in the Get ACTIVE programme.
  • Before attending sessions, members must book on via Get ACTIVE events page.
  • Get ACTIVE sessions may need to introduce a maximum space capacity (including tasters & coaching programmes) and will be allocated on a first booked bases.
  • If members are no longer able to attend a session, you must inform the Get ACTIVE Coordinator.
  • The University reserves the right to prevent members from participating in Get ACTIVE sessions and/or tasters should behaviour and/or appearance be deemed unsuitable.
  • The University uses external venues for some of the Get ACTIVE sessions and are subject to their Terms and Conditions.
  • The Get ACTIVE session timings will vary between Singleton and Bay campuses and may be affected by bank holidays and holiday periods.
  • Get ACTIVE is subject to changes at any given moment.
  • You can only book a space for yourself; you will not be able to book for another Get ACTIVE Member – they must book themselves via the events booking page.

Rights to Terminate

  • When a member of staff leaves the University, their membership will be terminated on their last day of employment.
  • If a student leaves/suspends their studies, their membership will be terminated.

Insurance and liability

  • The University will not accept liability for loss or damage of property placed or left on the University or external premises.
  • The University will ensure the booking facilities are safe and all equipment meets manufacturer guidance.
  • The University will ensure that all external venues used have sufficient liability cover.

Acknowledgement of Risk to Health

  • You acknowledge that there is an inherent risk of injury (including permanent injury and even death) when undertaking physical exercise. This is including, but not limited to, serious neck and spinal injuries, injury to bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. By registering for Get ACTIVE, you voluntarily assume such risk.
  • You understand and accept that Swansea University shall only be liable for personal injury or death where this arises from Swansea University, its employees’, or its subcontractors’ negligence.
  • It is the member's responsibility to inform Activators and session instructors, where appropriate, of any concerns related to your ability to exercise. This is including but not limited to: your level of experience, any medical conditions or disabilities, pregnancy, or advice from medical professionals.
  • You understand that Sport Swansea recommends that, if you have pe-existing medical condition/s, you should consult with a health professional before participating in Get ACTIVE activities.


By purchasing a Get ACTIVE ticket, you consent to Swansea University, whether directly or through an intermediary, processing your personal information for the purposes of membership.

  • Your data will be used for purposes of an emergency and, therefore, may be share with an activity leader or coach from the Get ACTIVE team, where appropriate.
  • Your data will be used by the Get ACTIVE team to keep you updated on session changes and activity/events updates.

Swansea University Students’ Union and Sport Swansea will not pass your details onto a third party. If you wish to remove or update the submitted details, please contact

Get Active Code of Conduct

What is the Code of Conduct?

This Code of Conduct code sets out the expected behaviour of staff and participants of Swansea University’s Get ACTIVE programme.

It is designed to protect staff and participants and others potentially affected by their actions, ensure the highest possible standards of participation, fairness, honesty and behaviour in relation to the conduct of all Swansea University representatives. If adhered to, the Code of Conduct will also serve to reduce the risk of harm and injury to members and the community in general

As a Get ACTIVE Participant, I will:

  • Shall promote the principles* of the Get ACTIVE programme and take all possible steps to prevent them from being abused.
  • Recognise and appreciate the efforts made by Activators, volunteers, officials and officers in providing the opportunity for you to participate in activity sessions and enjoy the sporting/physical activity environment.
  • Shall not use foul language or abusive language or gestures towards other participants, Activators, volunteers or coaches.
  • Shall not do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against any other person on the ground of gender, race, disability, age, religious or political belief, sexual orientation, social background, ethnic origin, language, marital or civil partnership status or pregnancy.
  • Arrive for activity sessions in good time, not to cause disruption to the session once started.
  • Consistently display high standards of behaviour.
  • Turn up with appropriate kit for the activity.
  • Take responsibility for warming up and cooling down properly, as appropriate.
  • Play for fun and enjoyment.
  • Learn and play by the rules.
  • Recognise and applaud all good play.
  • Ensure changing facilities are the same when you leave as when you entered them.
  • Report broken or damaged equipment to staff members.
  • Do not bring the club, Sport Swansea or Swansea University into disrepute.

As a Get ACTIVE Activator, Volunteer or Coach, I will:

  • Consider the wellbeing and safety of participants at all times. If in doubt about a participant’s mental wellbeing, seek advice.
  • Treat everyone equally and demonstrate respect for participants at all times.
  • Ensure that you maintain a high level of confidentiality if a participant discloses any sensitive information. If a participant discloses information which may be regarded as a safeguarding concern, contact the Programme Manager.
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Arrive in plenty of time to set up your activities and ensure safety.
  • Keep yourself informed about changes to session requirements.
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the ability and experience of those taking part.
  • Promote the positive aspects of the type of activity and sport (e.g. fair play).
  • Divide your time equally between all participants, no matter their ability level.
  • Be reasonable in your demands on participants time, energy and enthusiasm.
  • Encourage and guide participants to accept responsibility for their own behaviour.
  • Never ridicule or shout at a participant for making a mistake or losing.
  • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibited substances.
  • Never actively promote anti-social behaviour, lude acts or excessive drinking, or force any Sport Swansea member into taking part in such activities.
  • Shall not do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against any other person on the ground of gender, race, disability, age, religious or political belief, sexual orientation, social background, ethnic origin, language, marital or civil partnership status or pregnancy.
  • Do not bringing the club, Sport Swansea or Swansea University into disrepute.
  • Consider the wellbeing and safety of participants at all times. If in doubt about a participant’s mental wellbeing, seek advice.
  • Treat everyone equally and demonstrate respect for participants at all times.
  • Ensure that you maintain a high level of confidentiality if a participant discloses any sensitive information. If a participant discloses information which may be regarded as a safeguarding concern, contact the Programme Manager.
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Arrive in plenty of time to set up your activities and ensure safety.
  • Keep yourself informed about changes to session requirements.
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the ability and experience of those taking part.
  • Promote the positive aspects of the type of activity and sport (e.g. fair play).
  • Divide your time equally between all participants, no matter their ability level.
  • Be reasonable in your demands on participants time, energy and enthusiasm.
  • Encourage and guide participants to accept responsibility for their own behaviour.
  • Never ridicule or shout at a participant for making a mistake or losing.
  • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibited substances.
  • Never actively promote anti-social behaviour, lude acts or excessive drinking, or force any Sport Swansea member into taking part in such activities.
  • Shall not do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against any other person on the ground of gender, race, disability, age, religious or political belief, sexual orientation, social background, ethnic origin, language, marital or civil partnership status or pregnancy.
  • Do not bringing the club, Sport Swansea or Swansea University into disrepute.



Get Active Get ACTIVE Hoodies
16th October - 31st July
Get ACTIVE Hoodie
Get Active Badminton @ Bay (25 March)
25th March
Sports hall, Bay Campus,
Get ACTIVE Badminton
Get Active Badminton @ Singleton (25 March)
25th March
Sports hall, Singleton Campus,
Get ACTIVE Badminton
Get Active Basketball @ Singleton (25 March)
25th March
Sports Hall, Singleton Campus ,
Get ACTIVE Basketball
Get Active Staff & Students Football @ Singleton (25 March)
25th March
3G pitch, SBSP, Singleton,
Get Active Basketball @ Bay (25 March)
25th March
Sports Hall, Bay Campus ,
Get ACTIVE Basketball @ Bay
Get Active Surfing @ Caswell (26 March)
26th March
Caswell Bay,
Get Active Surfing
Get Active Rhossili Down walk - Navigation Skills (26 March)
26th March
Rhossili Down, Gower, Swansea
Rhossili Down
Get Active Wednesday Footy @ Bay (26 March)
26th March
Astro pitch, Bay Campus,
Wednesday Footy @ Bay
Get Active Yoga @ Singleton (27 March)
27th March
The Shed, Singleton Campus,
See All Events