Rep Elections 2024/2025

Make a difference to the Swansea Uni experience!

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Do you want to make a difference to the student experience at Swansea? A great way to get involved is to become a Rep!

What is a Rep?

  • Represent student views on education and overall experience
  • Raise feedback given by students on a wide variety of topics including course content and lecture rooms
  •  Reps speak to relevant staff members in either the University or Students' Union

Why should I be a Rep?

  • To improve the student experience
  • Excellent addition to your CV
  • Attend bespoke workshops
  • Rep freebies!

Who can be a Rep?

  • Any student can apply!

How can I get involved?

Nominations open Monday 6th May - head to our Academic Reps page to nominate!


Academic Reps