Consent - the Foundation of Sex

Let's have a little chat about consent

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Consent is the bare minimum to engaging in any sexual activity and the only way to ensure that both partners agree with what they are doing.

What is consent?

Consent is an enthusiastic and informed agreement to engage in any sexual activity.

It isn’t about avoiding the word ‘no’; it is about creating trust between both partners to ensure a safe and respectful sexual encounter.

Here’s what consent should look like:

  • Consent should always be freely given, with no peer pressure or manipulation
  • ENTHUSIASTIC! Silence or uncertainty is not consent
  • Reversible - consent can be retracted at any time. No arguments.
  • A conscious decision, drugs and alcohol should not influence your decisions

Consent is NOT:

  • Silence. If you want to have sex, you should be vocal about it. A meek ‘yes’ isn’t the same as a ‘YES
  • Flirting. Flirting is not consent
  • ‘We were both so drunk’. If you are too drunk to give consent, you are too drunk to have sex

Consent once is not consent forever.

It needs to be given every single time, whether it's the first or 100th time.

Also, let's debunk the silly rumour that asking for consent ruins the vibe.

Asking for consent does not kill the mood, it makes it conSENSUAL! Checking in with your partner makes the experience more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone.

Getting Support

Lots of support is available if you experience coercion or sexual assault. Remember that it is not your fault and that help is available.

Okay, if you take anything away at all from this article, let it be this:

  • Consent is the key to sex. No consent = no sex. Capeesh?