A Bloody Good Idea

2024 marks 20 years of giving blood <3

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Hey, it's National Blood Donor Week!

Thinking about donating blood? Here's why you should:

For you

Donating blood is one of the best ways to help others in need. This positive action for others can have positive impacts on you too, including:

  • A sense of belonging
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved emotional wellbeing

For others

By donating blood you will *literally* be helping to save lives. According to Give Blood, they need:

  • 140,000 new donors a year to replace those who can no longer donate
  • 4,300 blood donations every day on average to meet the needs of hospitals
  • More young people to start giving blood so that there is enough blood in the future

Where to donate

Visit Welsh Blood for information on where you can donate blood. Give Blood has a useful post on what to expect when giving blood for the first time.

Swansea University Students' Union