Autumn Elections 2020 Results

Autumn Elections 2020 Results

Our Autumn Elections have now come to an end, and the results are in! We’re pleased to announce your new Part-Time Officers, and the Delegates that will represent you at the NUS Wales, and UK national conferences.

Your winners for the following Part-Time Officer roles are:


Commuter Students’ Officer – Maddie Gilbert


Postgraduate (Taught) Officer – Jessica Evans


Freshers’ Officer – Jacob Pritchard


LGBT + Open Officer (Singleton) – Kieran Bason


Students with Caring Responsibilities Officer – Samantha Williams


And your winners who will represent you as delegates at the NUS Wales Conference are:

Liz Sanders

Ashima Anand

Katie Phillips


Next up, your new delegates for the NUS UK Conference are:

Jamal Mahmood Khokhar

Michael Bawden

Yujin Seo


Finally, you have elected Reps to represent you to your academic departments, and to voice feedback and any concerns to the University. There are over 300 Reps in the University, and the winners for your subject will be in touch soon.


Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who ran and voted in these elections. Keep an eye on our socials in January for news about our annual Spring Elections!

Canlyniadau Etholiadau Hydref 2020

Mae Etholiadau’r Hydref wedi gorffen, ac mae’r canlyniadau’n fyw! Rydyn ni’n falch i gyhoeddi eich Swyddogion Rhan-amser newydd, a’r Cynrychiolwyr a fydd yn eich cynrychioli yng nghynadleddau UCM Cymru ac UCM DU.


Eich enillwyr ar gyfer rolau’r Swyddogion Rhan-amser yw:

Swyddog Myfyrwyr sy’n Cymudo – Maddie Gilbert

Swyddog Ôl-raddedig (A Addysgir) – Jessica Evans

Swyddog Myfyrwyr y Glas – Jacob Pritchard

Swyddog LGBT+ Agored (Singleton) – Kieran Bason

Swyddog Myfyrwyr â Chyfrifoldebau Gofalu – Samantha Williams


Eich enillwyr a fydd yn eich cynrychioli yng Nghynhadledd UCM Cymru yw:

Liz Sanders

Ashima Anand


Nesaf, eich cynrychiolwyr ar gyfer Cynhadledd UCM DU yw:

Jamal Mahmood Khokhar

Michael Bawden

Yujin Seo


Yn olaf, rydych chi wedi ethol Cynrychiolwyr i’ch cynrychioli i’ch adrannau academaidd, a lleisio adborth ac unrhyw bryderon i’r Brifysgol. Mae dros 300 o Gynrychiolwyr yn y Brifysgol, a bydd enillwyr eich pwnc yn cysylltu â chi cyn bo hir.


Llongyfarchiadau i’r enillwyr, a diolch i bob un o’r ymgeiswyr a phleidleiswyr yn yr etholiad. Cadwch lygad ar ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol ym mis Ionawr am newyddion am Etholiadau’r Gwanwyn!

Swansea University Students' Union