British Sign Language Resources

This November, we are raising awareness of the issues felt by our students with disabilities, as part of Disability History Month. Your elected Commuter Students Officer has put together a list of online resources on British Sign Language.

British Sign Language Resources

This November, we are raising awareness of the issues felt by our students with disabilities, as part of Disability History Month. Your elected Commuter Students Officer has put together a list of online resources on British Sign Language.

Here’s Maddie’s list:

  • The main resource I know of which is a fantastic one if people are interested in taking things further is the Doncaster Deaf Trust. They have BSL level 1 for free online, sign up here:
  • There is also BSLonline who offers a very quick taster course on colours and pets. These are super quick videos and require signup with an email.
  • RNID (Royal National Institute for the Deaf) have a BSL fingerspelling chart:
  • Another resource they have is a booklet on learning BSL. It introduces what BSL is, fingerspelling, basic signs, etc.
  • There is a webinar on Tuesday 24th November at 8:15 pm and then it is repeated on Wednesday 25th at 8:15 pm. Free to join but does require email signup.
  • The Open University also has a series of free YouTube videos covering things like the alphabet, days of the week, weather, greetings, emotions, etc and all can be accessed here.



Adnoddau Iaith Arwyddion Prydain

Ym mis Hydref, rydym yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o'r materion sy’n effeithio ar ein myfyrwyr ag anableddau, fel rhan o Fis Hanes Anableddau. Mae eich Swyddog Myfyrwyr sy’n Cymudo etholedig wedi llunio rhestr o adnoddau ar Iaith Arwyddion Prydain.

Dyma restr Maddie:

  • Y prif adnodd yw un gwych os oes gan bobl ddiddordeb mewn mynd â phethau ymhellach, sef Ymddiriedolaeth Byddar Doncaster. Maen nhw’n cynnig BSL Lefel 1 am ddim ar-lein. Gellir cofrestru yma
  • Mae BSLonline hefyd yn cynnig cwrs blasu cyflym iawn ar liwiau ac anifeiliaid anwes. Mae'r rhain yn fideos cyflym iawn ac mae angen cofrestru gyda chyfeiriad e-bost.
  • Mae gan RNID (Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Brenhinol y Byddar) siart sillafu bysedd BSL.
  • Adnodd arall sydd ganddyn nhw yw llyfryn ar ddysgu BSL. Mae'n cyflwyno beth yw BSL, sillafu bysedd, arwyddion sylfaenol ac ati.
  • Mae gweminar ar ddydd Mawrth 24ain Tachwedd am 8.15pm ac mae'n cael ei ailadrodd ar ddydd Mercher 25ain am 8.15yp. Gellir ymuno am ddim ond mae angen cofrestru gyda chyfeiriad e-bost
  • Mae hefyd gan y Brifysgol Agored gyfres o fideos YouTube am ddim sy'n ymdrin â phethau fel yr wyddor, dyddiau'r wythnos, y tywydd, cyfarchion, emosiynau, ac ati, a gellir cyrchu pob un yma.



Swansea University Students' Union