Changes to Welsh Government Regulations on Face Coverings

Due to the emergence of the new Omicron Covid-19 variant, Welsh Government have introduced additional measures for safety.

Changes to Welsh Government Regulations on Face Coverings

Due to the emergence of the new Omicron Covid-19 variant, Welsh Government have introduced additional measures for safety.

All staff and students should now wear face coverings while indoors in learning and teaching environments, unless exempt. Including:

• When working as part of a defined contact group in teaching laboratories, clinical settings and workshops, where activity risk assessments permit.

• When moving around a space such as an open plan office or catering venue. When 2m social distancing cannot be maintained (unless it has been identified in a risk assessment that this would be unsafe).

•  Where identified on a risk assessment as an appropriate control measure.

• When requested, where there are clinically extremely vulnerable students or staff or those who are at increased risk from COVID-19, including those who were previously shielding.

Please see the University's full guidance document on face coverings for more information.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping the University a safe space for all.

Newidiadau i Reoliadau Llywodraeth Cymru ynghylch Gorchuddion Wyneb

Oherwydd dyfodiad yr amrywiolyn Covid-19 newydd sef Omicron, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno mesurau diogelwch ychwanegol.

Dylai'r holl staff a myfyrwyr wisgo gorchudd wyneb pan fyddant dan do mewn amgylcheddau dysgu ac addysgu bellach, oni bai eu bod wedi'u heithrio. Gan gynnwys:

  • Wrth weithio fel rhan o grwp cyswllt diffiniedig mewn labordai addysgu, lleoliadau a gweithdai clinigol, lle mae asesiadau risg gweithgareddau’n caniatáu hynny.
  • Wrth symud o gwmpas mannau megis swyddfa cynllun agored neu fan arlwyo.
  • Pan nad oes modd cadw pellter cymdeithasol o 2 fetr (oni bai fod asesiad risg wedi nodi y byddai hyn yn anniogel).
  • Pan fo asesiad risg yn nodi hyn fel mesur rheoli priodol.
  • Pan ofynnir iddynt wneud, lle bo myfyrwyr neu staff sy'n eithriadol o agored i niwed yn glinigol, neu'r rhai sydd mewn perygl mwy oherwydd COVID-19, gan gynnwys y rhai a oedd yn gwarchod ynghynt.

Am ragor o wybodaeth, gweler dogfen arweiniad prifysgol lawn ynghylch gorchuddion wyneb.

Diolch am eich cydweithrediad wrth gadw'r Brifysgol yn lle diogel i bawb.

Swansea University Students' Union