Extra extra! Read all about it! The new edition of Waterfront is out this week!
Waterfront is the SU’s student-led publication and is published online every month, and articles are submitted throughout the month on the website (swanseastudentmedia.com).
The first edition of the year is busting with sections to reflect all aspects of student life from Advice and Fashion, via Societies and Research, to sport and Welsh… and much more!
Waterfront is free and available on campus in-print and online on our Issuu page. There’s also a tasty Dominos discount code.
Waterfront accepts submissions for articles from any students and if you would like to get involved in writing articles, email either the Editor-in-Chief, Bethan Bates (waterfronteditor@swanseastudentmedia.com) or Student Media Coordinator, Lewis Israel (lewis.israel@swansea-union.co.uk).
Editor-in-Chief, Bethan had this to say about what to expect from Waterfront this year “This year we are aiming to release lots of content across all of our platforms including print editions, our website, and our social media platforms. My main priority is to create a paper that represents the student body here at Swansea University and to integrate ourselves into the student experience. I am enthusiastic to work with societies and sports clubs of all sizes. We will be attending all types of events and promoting a variety of socials so we can tell you all about what is happening throughout the year.”
Check out the latest edition here!
Mae rhifyn newydd y Waterfront ar gael yr wythnos hon!
Y Waterfront yw papur newydd Undeb y Myfyrwyr. Mae’n cael ei gynnal gan fyfyrwyr a’i gyhoeddi ar-lein bob mis, ac mae erthyglau yn cael eu postio ar y wefan yn y cyfamser (swanseastudentmedia.com).
Mae rhifyn cyntaf y flwyddyn llawn adrannau i arddangos pob agwedd o fywydau myfyrwyr, fel Cyngor a Ffasiwn, Cymdeithasau ac Ymchwil, Chwaraeon a Chymraeg… a mwy!
Mae'r Waterfront yn rhad ac am ddim, ac mae e ar gael mewn print ar y campws ac ar-lein ar ein tudalen Issuu. Mae hefyd ganddo god disgownt blasus ar gyfer Dominos.
Mae’r Waterfront yn derbyn cyflwyniadau erthyglau gan unrhyw fyfyrwyr ac os hoffech chi gymryd rhan mewn ysgrifennu erthyglau, e-bostiwch y Prif Olygydd, Bethan Bates (waterfronteditor@swanseastudentmedia.com) neu Gydlynydd Cyfryngau Myfyrwyr, Lewis Israel (lewis.israel @ swansea-union.co.uk).
Dywedodd Bethan, y Prif Olygydd, am yr hyn i'w ddisgwyl gan y Waterfront eleni, “rydyn ni’n anelu at gyhoeddi llawer o gynnwys ar draws ein holl lwyfannau gan gynnwys rhifynnau print, ein gwefan, a'n cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Fy mhrif flaenoriaeth yw creu papur sy'n cynrychioli’r myfyrwyr yma ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe ac integreiddio ein hunain i brofiadau’r myfyrwyr. Rwy'n frwdfrydig i weithio gyda chymdeithasau a chlybiau chwaraeon o bob maint. Byddwn yn mynychu pob math o ddigwyddiadau ac yn hyrwyddo amrywiaeth o gymdeithasu fel y gallwn ddweud popeth wrthych am yr hyn sy'n digwydd trwy gydol y flwyddyn. "
Dyma’r rhifyn diweddaraf!