Plastic-Free July

David Attenborough has said that we dump eight million tonnes of plastic into the sea every year. Something needs to change - take the Plastic-Free challenge this July

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We all know the importance of cutting down on single-use plastics, but did you know that since 2011 the Plastic-Free Foundation run a Plastic-Free July initiative every year?

 Why is it important

David Attenborough has said that we dump eight million tonnes of plastic into the sea every year. By the year 2050, it's estimated that the amount of plastic in the ocean could outweigh fish. It's killing our wildlife and marine life, and damaging the environment - worsening the climate crisis.

 Some facts about plastic pollution

What you can do

Making some small and simple changes to your daily life can make a big impact on the climate crisis

  • Reusable Bottles & Cups - easily reduce single-use plastic waste by using your own cups and bottles
  • Reusable Bags -  keep a folded-up shopping bag in your handbag or backpack, and keep a stash in your car boot
  • Cleaning & Hygiene - Opt for plastic-free packaging, including swapping liquid soap, shampoo and conditioner for bars

It's all about making small and manageable changes that you can stick to and making one small change at a time. For more information on Plastic-Free July and how you can make a difference, click here. You can also check out our World Environment Day post for more eco-friendly advice.

Swansea University Students' Union