Refill Swansea
You've been asking us if we can sort you out with more places on campus to refill your water bottles.

We're all about cutting down on plastic and we're even more all about helping out our students.
We're in talks with the Uni about getting more water refill stations on campus, but because of a load of complicated reasons we won't bore you with, it's a slow progress.
In the meantime though, we've teamed up with Refill Swansea, making us the first #RefillUni in Wales. The Refill app tells you all the places near your location that you can get free water to fill up your bottle. More and more organisations are signing up, including some on campus. We're doing our best to get as many as possible.
Keep an eye our for your Welfare Officer Grace and Societies and Services Officer Chris around campus this week telling you all about it.
Download the app here.
Refill Abertawe
Rydych chi wedi bod yn gofyn i ni drefnu rhagor o lefydd ar y campws i ail-lenwi poteli dwr.

Rydyn ni'n hoff iawn o dorri lawr ar blastig ac o helpu ein myfyrwyr.
Rydyn ni'n trafod rhoi rhagor o lefydd i ail-lenwi poteli ar y campws gyda'r brifysgol, ond mae nifer o resymau cymhleth yn golgyu bod y broses yn un araf.
Yn y cyfamser, rydyn ni'n gweithio gyda Refill Swansea, ac Abertawe yw'r brifysgol gynta yn y wlad i fod yn rhan ohono. Mae'r ap Refill yn dangos yr holl lefydd o'ch cwmpas sy'n rhoi dwr am ddim i ail-lewni eich potel. Mae llwyth o sefydliadau'n rhan ohono, gan gynwys rhai ar y campysau. Rydyn ni'n gweithio'n galed i gael cymaint â phosib.
Cadwch lygad allan am eich Swyddog Lles Grace a Swyddog Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau Chris ar y campws yr wythnos hon yn egluro'r holl beth.
Lawrlwythwch yr ap yma.