Photo credit: UCU Wales Twitter.
Your Students’ Union will remain open and operating as normal throughout the UCU (University and College Union) strike taking place currently and in the coming weeks. Student feedback has been overwhelmingly supportive of the staff taking action over working conditions and pensions. This is why our Executive Committee, made up of your Full-Time Officers and volunteer Part-Time Officers, voted to support the strike and call on universities nationally to recognise the issues raised by staff.
The SU Executive Committee felt that this action taken by UCU was necessary and appropriate, and that if staff weren’t heard, then it could lead to a longer-term effect on the student experience.
Every member of staff at Swansea University wants the same thing: a bustling campus that helps students to succeed, whilst being taught by a world-leading staff body, in a supportive and compassionate environment.
We are sorry for the disruptions the action may cause to students at Swansea. For the university staff, we know that taking action like this would have been a last resort. If you see them on the picket lines, please consider taking a few minutes to speak to them and understand their position.
We understand that there may be questions relating to the strike action, your SU President, Katie, sits on a daily Industrial Action Working Group; if you would like to pass on any thoughts to her, she can relay them to university leadership through this meeting. Contact Katie via, alternatively, you can contact the University at or the local UCU branch through
The University staff’s working conditions are our learning conditions, and we all want Swansea University to continue to thrive as the community we belong to.
Bydd Undeb Myfyrwyr ar agor ac yn gweithredu fel arfer trwy gydol streic yr UCU (Undeb y Prifysgolion a’r Colegau) sy’n digwydd ar hyn o bryd ac yn yr wythnosau nesaf. Mae adborth myfyrwyr wedi bod yn hynod gefnogol i'r camau a gymerwyd gan staff dros amodau gwaith a phensiynau. Dyna pam y pleidleisiodd ein Pwyllgor Gwaith, sy’n cynnwys eich Swyddogion Llawn-amser a Swyddogion Rhan-amser gwirfoddol, i gefnogi’r streic a galw ar brifysgolion yn genedlaethol i gydnabod y materion a godwyd gan staff.
Teimlai Pwyllgor Gwaith UM fod y cam a gymerwyd gan UCU yn angenrheidiol ac yn briodol, ac os na fyddai staff yn cael eu clywed, yna gallai arwain at effaith tymor fwy ar brofiadau myfyrwyr.
Mae pob aelod o staff Prifysgol Abertawe eisiau'r un peth: campws prysur sy'n helpu myfyrwyr i lwyddo, tra'n cael eu haddysgu gan gorff staff sy'n arwain y byd, mewn amgylchedd cefnogol a thosturiol.
Mae'n ddrwg gennym am yr aflonyddwch y gall y gweithredu ei achosi i fyfyrwyr yn Abertawe. I staff y Brifysgol, rydym yn ymwybyodol y byddai gweithredu fel hyn wedi bod yn ddewis olaf. Os gwelwch nhw ar y llinellau piced, ystyriwch gymryd ychydig funudau i siarad â nhw a deall eu sefyllfa.
Rydym yn deall y gallai fod cwestiynau yn ymwneud â’r streic, mae Llywydd UM, Katie, yn eistedd ar Weithgor Gweithredu Diwydiannol dyddiol; os hoffech chi fynegi unrhyw sylwadau iddi, gall eu trosglwyddo i arweinyddiaeth y Brifysgol drwy'r cyfarfod hwn. Cysylltwch â Katie drwy, fel arall, gallwch gysylltu â'r Brifysgol yn neu'r gangen UCU leol drwy
Amodau gwaith staff y Brifysgol yw ein hamodau dysgu, ac rydym i gyd eisiau i Brifysgol Abertawe barhau i ffynnu fel y gymuned yr ydym yn perthyn iddi.