Sustainable Fashion Week 2022

This week we’ve been focussing on Sustainable Fashion Week. Tom Kemp, your Welsh Affairs Officer, has been hands of to provide you with the insight scoop on all things sustainable fashion.  Here’s his guide to sustainable fashion consumption.

Sustainable Fashion Week

This week we’ve been focussing on Sustainable Fashion Week. Tom Kemp, your Welsh Affairs Officer, has been hands of to provide you with the insight scoop on all things sustainable fashion.  Here’s his guide to sustainable fashion consumption.


Top Tips to Maintain a Sustainable Wardrobe

By now, it’s a well-known fact that the fashion industry isn’t the most environmentally conscious.

But I get it, being sustainable with your fashion choices is easier said than done. You might start off with good intentions, but then that Zara sale notification pops up and you’re back to square one.

But the good news is, I’m here to help! Here are my top tips to maintain a sustainable wardrobe.


Tip No.1: Copy and Paste

So… you’ve been eyeing up that pair of New Balance trainers for a while, but that price tag isn’t looking to good. Have you ever tried coping the name of the item and pasting it into second-hand selling apps like Vinted, Depop and Hazar. You could even jump on that Love Island bandwagon and check out eBay to some second-hand goods. You’ll be amazed at the variety of choices on there, many only worn a handful of times and often for a fraction of the price. The only thing better than a bargain, is a sustainable bargain!


Tip No.2: Read the Label

The most sustainable clothes are the ones you already own, so keeping your clothes in good condition to be able to re-ware them again and again…and again is super important. The best way to do this is to read the inside care label. Make sure you know what temperature to wash your clothes at. Washing them at too high a temperature can damage the natural fibres in the materials, causing those pesky bobbles to form. If they need to be hand washed, don’t be afraid to stick them in the wash, just choose a gentler spin cycle.


Tip No.3: Let the wind do its work

On that same note, the heat of the tumble dryer is far too hot to handle and before you know it, that jumper is bobbled and in the bin! Sack the dryer off and get yourself a cheap and cheerful clothes airer that’s better for your clothes, the environment and saving you on that dollar! Winner winner, Root meal deal for dinner.


Tip No.4: Mix and match, and then do it again.

The easiest way (or so he says) to be sustainable, is to simply stop overconsuming and giving into those cheeky ASOS 30% off sales, as tempting as they can be. Instead, spend a day or a night looking at your wardrobe and think of way new ways to wear the items you have. A hoodie under a shirt, a long sleave under a short sleave T or even a jumper over a dress, get creative, unleash your inner Gok Wan and see what you can come up with.



Wythnos Ffasiwn Gynaliadwy

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar Wythnos Ffasiwn Gynaliadwy. Mae Tom Kemp, y Swyddog Materion Cymraeg, wedi bod yn ymarferol i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ti ti ar bopeth sy'n ymwneud â ffasiwn gynaliadwy. Dyma ei ganllaw i ffasiwn cynaliadwy.


Awgrymiadau i Gadw Cwpwrdd Dillad Cynaliadwy

Erbyn hyn, mae'n ffaith adnabyddus nad yw’r diwydiant ffasiwn y eco-gyfeillgar.

Ond rwy'n deall, mae bod yn gynaliadwy yn haws dweud na gwneud o ran dewisiadau ffasiwn. Efallai byddet ti'n dechrau gyda bwriadau da, ond mae'r hysbysiad am sêl yn Zara yn ymddangos ac rwyt ti'n dychwelyd yn ôl.

Ond y newyddion da yw, rydw i yma i helpu! Dyma fy awgrymiadau da ar gyfer cadw cwpwrdd dillad cynaliadwy.


Awgrym Rhif 1: Copïo a Gludo

Felly... rwyt ti wedi bod yn llygadu pâr o hyfforddwyr New Balance ers tro, ond nid yw'r pris yn edrych yn dda. Wyt ti erioed wedi ceisio copïo enw'r eitem a'i gludo i mewn i apiau gwerthu ail-law fel Vinted, Depop a Hazar. Fe allet ti hyd yn oed dilyn esiampl Love Island ac edrych ar eBay i gael nwyddau ail-law. Byddet ti’n rhyfeddu at yr amrywiaeth o ddewisiadau sydd ar gael yno, mae nifer ohonynt ond wedi cael eu gwisgo llond llaw o weithiau ac yn aml am ffracsiwn o'r pris. Yr unig beth sy'n well na bargen, yw bargen gynaliadwy!


Awgrym Rhif 2: Darllena’r the Label

Y dillad mwyaf cynaliadwy yw'r rhai rwyt ti'n berchen arnyn nhw'n barod, felly mae cadw dy ddillad mewn cyflwr da er mwyn gallu eu hadnewyddu dro ar ôl tro… ar ôl tro yn hynod bwysig. Y ffordd orau o wneud hyn yw darllen y label gofal mewnol. Gwna’n siwr dy fod yn gwybod ar ba dymheredd i olchi dy ddillad. Gall eu golchi ar dymheredd rhy uchel niweidio'r ffibrau naturiol yn y deunyddiau, gan achosi i belenni twp ffurfio. Os oes angen eu golchi â llaw, paid â bod ofn eu rhoi yn y golch, dewisa gylchdro troelli mwy esmwyth.


Awgrym Rhif 3: Gad i’r gwynt wneud ei waith

Ar yr un nodyn, mae gwres y peiriant sychu dillad yn llawer rhy boeth i'w drin a chyn i ti wybod, mae'r siwmper wedi datblygu pelenni ac yn y bin! Rho’r gorau i’r sychwr a threfna wyntyllwr dillad rhad sy'n well i dy ddillad, yr amgylchedd ac sy'n dy arbed arian! Mae pawb yn ennill!


Awgrym Rhif 4: Cymysga a chyfateba, ac yna gwna  hynny eto

Y ffordd hawsaf (fel mae'n dweud) i fod yn gynaliadwy yw rhoi'r gorau i brynu gormod a rhoi mewn i’r disgowntiau digywilydd o 30% ar ASOS, mor deniadol ag y gallant fod. Yn lle hynny, treulia ddiwrnod neu noson yn edrych ar dy gwpwrdd dillad a meddylia am ffyrdd newydd o wisgo'r eitemau sydd gennyt ti. Hwdi o dan grys, llewys hir dan grys-t llawes fer neu hyd yn oed siwmper dros ffrog, bydd yn greadigol, rhyddha dy Gok Wan mewnol a gweld beth allet ti ei wneud.

Swansea University Students' Union