Welcome to Swansea Volunteers Needed

Swansea University is on a mission to provide an unrivalled Welcome experience to new students this September.

We need you!

Do you like meeting new people and being involved in large projects?

Swansea University is on a mission to provide an unrivalled Welcome experience to new students this September.

Join our ‘Welcome to Swansea’ team of volunteers to help greet the new arrivals and make them feel at home in their new city. 

For more information on what is provided, required and to register your interest, click here.

Mae eich angen chi arnom!

Ydych chi'n hoffi cwrdd â phobl newydd a bod yn rhan o brosiectau mawr?

Cenhadaeth Prifysgol Abertawe yw darparu profiad Croeso heb ei ail i fyfyrwyr newydd ym mis Medi.

Ymunwch a'n tîm o wirfoddolwyr 'Croeso i Abertawe' i helpu i groesawu'r myfyrwyr newydd sy'n cyrraedd a gwneud iddynt deimlo'n gartrefol yn eu dinas newydd.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am yr hyn a ddarperir, a'r hyn sy'n ofynnol ac i gofrestru'ch diddordeb, clicia yma.
Swansea University Students' Union