Election Terminology

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Election Terminology

Below are some common election terms and acronyms and their definitions. If there are any terms you think should be added to this list let us by emailing us at elections@swansea-union.co.uk.

Active Campaigning
This is the time in which candidates can actively get people to vote for them. During this period, candidates are allowed to put promotional materials online, add students to Facebook pages, display physical promotional materials etc.
Annual General Meeting - This is a large forum where a wide variety of students come to debate and determine the direction of the Students’ Union.

Any student can attend, and any student can submit a motion for discussion. This is also where the Students' Union presents its accounts, informs students of its performance and listens to student feedback.
Black & Minority Ethnic
Campaigning is the activity where candidates try and secure votes. Expect flyers, videos, t-shirts, banners and more!
Campaign Week
This is the week when candidates will be actively campaigning for your votes.
These are the students that are standing in the election.
Full-time Officer - the heads of the Students' Union who are elected by students to represent their views.
This is an event where candidates can debate issues affecting students. Questions for the candidates can be submitted by students.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender +
Liberation Groups
Liberation Groups are BME, LGBT+, Students with Disabilities, Women and Welsh Language. Liberation campaigns seek to represent and empower individuals who experience discrimination and disadvantages in terms of status and opportunity because they belong to, or are perceived as belonging to, a particular social group.
A Manifesto is the
Putting yourself forward to stand for a position in the election.
Nomination Period
This is when students can nominate themselves to stand in the elections!
National Union of Students - the national voice of students. The NUS helps students to campaign, get cheap student discounts and provides advice on living student life to the full.
Open Place
This means that any student can run for the position, regardless of what gender they define as.
Prep Week
This is when candidates start their preparations for Campaign Week! Also known as Soft Campaigning.
Part-time Officer - they're elected by students to represent different areas students are effected by. These positions are undertaken alongside students' studies and are part-time and voluntary.
This is the minimum number of votes needed for a policy to pass.
This is when all the students at the University are asked to give their opinion about or decide an important political or social question. For each referendum motion, arguments for and against are put forward by campaigners for both sides.
This is the definition of your identity and is used to determine if you belong to any of the liberation groups. It might seem obvious to yourself that you define as black or as a woman or LGBT+ etc. but to avoid any confusion, we ask you to declare how you self-define.
Soft Campaigning
This is the preparation period before voting opens. During time students may be getting a campaign team together, creating Facebook page without people being added, setting up Twitter accounts, making videos etc.
Swansea University Students' Union
A trustee is legally responsible for the Students’ Union and makes decisions on the direction of the organisation.